
8 Movie Reviews

I like the character designs.
The "mystery" wasn't quite clear, as we don't know if the studio audience noise is normal or abnormal as she never directly references it. -She just gets angry when it happens.
Also the animation could have been made more fluid and less choppy with more in-betweens, I think the scene that could have benefited the most was when she jumps into bed, as we just get a few still shots of the bed, instead of it's reaction.

I suggest reuploading the video with these improvements, if you can.

Animation was good, Character designs were good, shading was good, Follow-through went well.

Main problem was the "story", for it's lack of a cohesive narrative. I understand you're trying to be vague and open for interpretation, but there isn't much to go off of.
Our main character is a weird green dinosaur(?) and she works for a cat that channel surfs through static.
She works in a store that sells "Only Mugs" and as soon as she steps outside we see a "Lunch-Sign" vanish.
There was nothing there to grasp and relate to, so when more weirdness happens, it gives us little reason to care.

I can tell a part of the plot is our main girl getting her lunch, but it's only addressed through a few signs, and never outright stated.
I liked how the dinosaur built a friendship with the bird, and didn't want to lose her new friend. But again, they met randomly in a car, so the audience doesn't know why they should care when they could separate as randomly as they met.

The ending was...there.
She didn't give up her bird and they went and got Lunch.
Then a curtain closes and the green dinosaur says everyone goes through this at some point?
Sorry but NO, we do not.

If you are trying to make a statement on how some people feel like their working harder and going through stupid trials in their work just to get some lunch, or to not abandon your friends, this was not a good way to do it.

Here's what I would have changed:
1. Instead of "Only Mugs", make it an electronics store, or an entertainment store, one that actually relates to the villain's weird list of things to do.
-This would give us ideas on why the Cat-boss may force his employee through these weird endeavors that relate to TV sets.

2. Have the green dinosaur meet with the bird outside the store. She can exclaim something like "Oh it's you again, glad to see your coming along". This introduces the bird as another character in the story, and we see they've already known each other, which will add more of an impact for that "twist" in the story.

3. Change the name to something that has meaning to the story, and isn't just another random idea.
What does "Milk-Dust" even mean here? Milk played no pivotal role, neither did dust.
With the number of themes you included you have multiple better titles.

What about something relating to TV?

-Channel Crisis
-Remote and Out of Control
-Entertain Insane

Lunch played a big theme as well, what about:
-Food For Thought
-Lunch Rush
-Defeat it to Eat it

Working hard was a common theme, what about:
-Stress for Success
-Promotion Locomotion
-Hired and Tired

The bird turned out to be a main point, what about:
-The Bird Factor
-Flight out of Sight

You can even combine themes to get mixed up titles like:
-Channel Thoughts
-Entertainment Eats
-Bird Rush

There are lots of other titles that would have had more meaning. It's sad to see you failed in that category.

TLDR: Good animation and design, not so well thought out story.

Not too bad, but I wouldn't watch again.

Wait, why does this get the front page?
Can we just ask for it?

I can't wait to see Yusuke Yurameshi appear.

I love the designs and the poses, you did a great job capturing the styles of Nintendo characters.
Excellent job there.

However...the idea itself is rather lacking.

I'm going to approach this in 2 ways, either 1: this is meant to be a faithful reboot of the original Captain N show, or 2: This is meant to be a re-imagining of the idea in general.

As a faithful reboot this fails entirely. This version of Kevin Keene does not resemble his previous incarnation at all. The hair is too long, his appearance does not resemble the original one, and he does not posses ANY of his previous trademarks.
-Varsity Jacket?-No
-N patch? No
-PowerPad? No(I can't believe you skipped out on the controller buckle idea in general.)

So we while don't have a Kevin Keene, do we have his supporting characters?
Excluding the video game exclusive partners(Megaman, Simon Belmot, Kid Icarus.)
Princess Lana was absent throughout this trailer, we can assume she wasn't included, so that's another strike.
King Charles was also absent, we can assume he wasn't included, so that's another strike.
Kevin's dog Duke was not seen, so we can assume he's been shafted as well, which gives us a final strike.

Even the way our main hero travels to Video Land has been changed too drastically. The original was more relatable in how Kevin is playing a Nintendo game when he is suddenly sucked into Video Land. This one has Kevin flying through a portal in a van?

And who is Kevin fighting in this show? We saw many different badguys, but who is the main villain? Why is Kevin fighting with the PowerGlove if this is meant to be "modern". And if he's allowed to use older gadgets, why not give him his powerpad and zapper?

This is way too much of a departure from the original show.

So with all that together,
Kevin looks totally different. None of the previous supporting characters return. And the main plot barely resembles the original(if at all).

I'm very sorry to say this, but based on these terms the faithfulness gets a 0/10.
It may have well just been called Super Smash bros the movie, as it has more in line with pitting Nintendo characters against each other, rather than remaking the original Captain N show.

However, if the goal was to be a re-imagining:
The main character's features look more feminine, and may be a female. If this is the case, I hate to say it but it hurts the overall idea.
Although I wish it weren't true, Video Games is mostly a male hobby. There are plenty of female gamers that exist, but most skilled players are male.
As such, the "Game Master" would more likely be a guy, rather than a girl.
Even the target demographic would mostly be guys, so it would make sense to have the main character be male so that he is more relatable.

Why is she only using the PowerGlove? I can tell she has switch controllers in one scene. But overall it just looks like she only uses the PowerGlove. If this is meant to be a more modern take on Captain N, then shouldn't she be using more Switch devices and Labo gear? Anything before the Nintendo Switch should be off limits.

What makes this chick worthy of fighting these video game characters? She doesn't show off any unique gaming skills or knowledge. Couldn't there have been a scene where she tells Palutena some secrets about the enemies, or guiding Falco to the real Andross, or punching BaldBull at just the right time? You know PROVE SHE'S A GAMER!

And lastly, what is she the "Captain" of? I didn't see her guiding anyone, and she has no friends here. It would have been better to introduce some Video Game rulers that we've never seen before. That way we know why she can be called "Captain Nintendo" if she was appointed by the "Video Land rulers of Nintendo".

So as far as a new take on Captain N, it's still not very good.
In this case, I'll give it a 2/10, because the premise tries to include so many distinct characters.
However that leads me to another major problem.
It seems to me you were much more focused on including different video game characters, that you never asked yourself "WHO is this show really about?"

When I look at this animatic, I see a lot of great designs, but all for a story catering to very few.

I do wish for a new Captain N series, but this is nowhere near what it should be.
If you ever come up with a new version more akin to the original, I'd love to see it.

Look, I just don't like the concept. Or the execution.
I'm sorry but maybe this film isn't for me.

Pretty good, I hope this gets picked up as a series.

Getting better at that animation program.

I've been animating for over 5 years. I like to make animations that are usually funny or cute.

Age 28, Male

New Mexico

Joined on 10/11/14

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